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The Modern Stock & Options Trading Show

Welcome to the Modern Stock and Options Trading Show. This is the podcast where portfolio manager and professional investment educator, Russ Mathews, shows you how to trade with an edge in today's markets. To powerfully BOOST your portfolio and manage the downside risk.

Aug 29, 2019

In this episode of the Modern Stock & Options Trading Show, you will be introduced to an overview of trade strategy progression.  In other words, how to sequence (or progress) through the various trade strategies learned so far.  By executing trade progressions properly, you will learn how to maximize your cash on cash...

Aug 19, 2019

In this episode of the Modern Stock & Options Trading Show, you will learn about one of host Russ Mathews favorite trading strategies  - selling (cash backed) puts.  Russ will teach you what it is, why it is so powerful and the proper mechanics to frame the trade.  This is one of the bread and butter strategies to...

Aug 18, 2019

In this episode of the Modern Stock & Options Trading Show, host Russ Mathews shares his insights and key take aways from the three-day Money Show in San Francisco. He shares where the top traders see the market headed;, he explains how the case for active investing was made. Russ provides insights on REITS,...

Aug 7, 2019

In this episode of the Modern Stock & Options Trading Show, host Russ Mathews puts the sharp market volatility of the past week into context.  He explains how market pullbacks affect and provide the ideal backdrop for teaching the trading strategies taught so far  - the Collar Trade and the Large Unprotected Covered...